Clean Your RAM using Notepad

Are you fed up of your computer working slow? Or you are tired of restarting your computer again and again due to its slowness?

This problem might occur due to RAM because at the time RAM might be full of remaining progress pieces which you are working with and you do not need them anymore. So, if you deleted or erase all those unnecessary piece of information, your RAM will be clean and your computer would work faster.

For doing so you can download or get software that can keep your RAM free, if anyone doesn’t have any software, then you can follow the tutorial that I am going to mention.

Steps to clean your RAM using Notepad
  • Open your Notepad.
  • Type FreeMem=Space(128000000)
  • And save the file in any location that you like, named “CleanRAM.vbs
  • Now run the file.
  • It will free memory in your RAM
If you want more memory to be free in your RAM, then you can use following codes instead of that mentioned in point2.
  • FreeMem=Space(24000000), for 24 MB
  • FreeMem=Space(32000000), for 32 MB
  • FreeMem=Space(64000000), for 64 MB
  • FreeMem=Space(72000000), for 72 MB
  • FreeMem=Space(128000000), for 128 MB
  • FreeMem=Space(256000000), for 256 MB
NOTE: Do not select the code that exceeds the memory than your RAM’s capacity
